Creative Psychological Services

Have you, or others around you, noticed a change in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviour?

Are you "stuck" in important relationships- feeling like you or your partner repeat the same unproductive patterns of relating eventhough you want things to be different?

Are you less efficient or focused than you want to be?


Do you feel sad, angry, "empty", frustrated, or nervous in a way that interfers with your life?

Have you had an emotional experience that has been so strong it was nearly overwhelming such as the loss of a relationship, a change in financial, health or work status, a deeply hurtful experience, or other trauma?


Do you have questions about major decisions in your life, such as those related to work, relationships, or other personal situations about which you wish to consult with someone?

Has a teacher or the principal indicated your child needs a psychoeducational assessment?


If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you or your loved one, might benefit from the services offered at Creative Psychological Services.  


Contact CPS for an appointment or a free telephone consultation:


647 245-3584

I offer a brief initial consultation at no charge.

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© Steve Webne